Time is still a-flyin' on past me! Where did time go? How did my cute "baby" turn into this handsome, intelligent, well mannered young man. A mom couldn't be prouder than me! He is also very photo shy, so it is a miracle that we have even one semi decent photo of him each year.
I love seeing the progression through the photos. I guess, I should say regression, because we start with the most recent first.

Summer 2011-High School is about to begin. We are at the Garden of The Gods with family. What a great day!

Grade 8. He decided to spike his hair this year. He likes it because the "girls" like it too! :) 2010

2009-Summer Vacation- in British Columbia

2008- Final set of braces on! Yay!

Spring 2007. We had professional photos taken.

2006-Love his eyes in this photo. They are such a nice shade of blue!

2005-We were on vacation with Oma, he is always happy to see her!

2004-jog-a-thon-Welcome to the digital age. One of the first photos with my new digital Camera.
There is something about birthdays that make me sentimental. I hope that the next 15 years will be as enjoyable as the first. Although, look out world, a new driver will soon be on the road!